Store Locator

With booknbook Store Locator you will be able to expose your business to customers through advanced filtering and accurate mapping and listing
The Greatest Guide to your Locations
Make your brand visible through our simple to set-up Store Locator
100% White-Label and customisable for you…
Store Locator
Support customers search with the Store Locator integrated into your Directory
Customisable & White-Label
Our 100% White-Label technology will empower your website by supporting you with a very easy to set Store Locator customisable for you based on your requests and needs!
Responsive and Mobile Ready
Our Store Locator easily adapts to different devices by changing its excellent interface from a PC to a mobile version always providing an optimal experience for the user…
Review System
Customers value other customers’ opinions. With booknbook, visitors can add detailed reviews and star rates at any time…
Integrated Mapping
When searching and filtering listings, the map will show what is nearby, through the zoom pin it will be easier for your visitors to find what they are looking for…
Photos Galleries
Easily upload photos to any of the locations. Engage with your visitors and provide them with beautiful content!
Restaurant Booking System
Stimulate customers to book and start to monetise by having your personal booking system integrated into your Directory
Digital Menu
With a simple QR Code Sticker, visitors will benefit of a customised menu directly on their smartphone, with ingredients, subcateogires, photos, allergens and much more…
Food Ordering
Save money on third parties by encouraging customers to order Delivery and Takeaways directly from your Directory…
Enquiry Management
Give customers the freedom to send an enquiry at any time.
Manage the enquiry request by monitoring and recording every group action. Interact with them by sending direct quotations and charging for deposit…
Menu Manager
Give customers the possibility to preview menus and dishes and encourage the purchase. The Menu Manager feature allows staff members to easily upload menus anda photos.
Back End Management
Make your business administration independent by directly controlling your own back end. Update content and manage availability at any time!